Dr. Marck Abraham – Who Is Responsible For Failing Inner City Schools Part 2

Dr. Marck Abraham joined The Buchanan and Seaton Show on Friday, March 12, 2021. During our conversation, we discussed Augusta Fells Savage Institute of Visual Design in Baltimore, Maryland. For those of you who are unaware, this school has been in the local news as of late due to a young man who made it to his fourth year in high school with a 0.13 GPA. He was also at the 50th percentile of his class and missed or was tardy 258 days.

In a local news interview the mother stated that the school failed her son. She also stated that the school never contacted her in her son’s four years at the school. Personally, I find it curious that a mother would receive upwards of 15 report cards and progress reports over her son’s four years in high school and never question his progress despite the fact that he brought home straight F’s (with the exception of his Freshman year where he received 2 D’s and 1 B). The mother accepted no responsibility for her nor her son’s action or lack thereof during his four years at the Baltimore High School. You can read about this story in more detail here.

Dr. Marck Abraham takes a completely different approach. He believes that this is a failing school and that the institution needs to be held accountable. Dr. Abraham is an expert advocate for failing inner city schools and has a passion for black male students in particular. You can learn more about his organization here. Dr. Abraham debated our question: do black people play the victim? You can listen to our spirited conversation below.

The Buchanan and Seaton Show interview with Dr. Marck Abraham – Part 1

The Buchanan and Seaton Show interview with Dr. Marck Abraham – Part 2

What are your thoughts? Is the mother and the student at fault, the school, or all? Leave your comments.

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